Cape Institute for Architecture 2005 - House Little - Award of Commendation from the Cape Institute for Architecture
Cape Institute for Architecture 2005 - House Nicola-Knight - Award of Commendation from the Cape Institute for Architecture
South African Institute of Architects 2006 - House Nicola-Knight - National Award of Merit from the South African Institute of Architects
QB Interior Design Award 2006 - Orient Restaurant, Melrose Arch (in association with Anton de Kock Architects)- QB Interior Design Award
Cape Institute for Architecture 2011 - Kuyasa Transport Interchange - Cape Institute for Architecture (CIA) Award for Architecture
South African Institute of Architects 2012 - Kuyasa Transport Interchange - South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) Award of Merit
Cape Institute for Architecture 2013 - House Van der Merwe-Coetzee - Cape Institute for Architecture (CIA) Award for Architecture
International Architecture Award 2013 2013 - Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Urban Design Framework - International Architecture Award 2013 - Chicago Athenaeum and the European Centre for Art, Design and Urban Studies (Tiaan Meyer, together with Piet Louw, Prof Dave Dewar and Mokena Makeka)
Cape Institute for Architecture
2015 - Heideveld Primary School - Cape Institute for Architecture (CIA) Award for Architecture