The new Inner City Public Transport Hub for the City of Cape Town is currently in its conceptual phases of design. Meyer & Associates has been appointed in a Joint Venture with Makeka Design Lab as both urban designers and architects for this prestigious project. The project entails the integration of five modes of transport, currently operating separately, in, above and adjacent Cape Town station. The focus of the project is the creation of a serious of new connected public spaces, with a large new Inner City Taxi facility on the station deck, a new Inner City Bus station adjacent the Grand Parade, and bridges and vehicular ramps to facilitate ease of movement to and from the station deck, but also towards the Inner city MyCiti bus Station beneath the Civic Centre and the station concourses itself. This project will have a broad impact on the lives of commuters and public transport users (270 000 commuters use this precinct daily). This project was featured on the website blog of “Future Cape Town”. Construction is expected to commence in 2014/2015.